Final Duck
Player 1:
Move: Arrow Keys
Shoot / Eat: Space

Player 2: Move: WASD
Shoot / Eat: Q
Eat the bread!
Two ducks face against each other.
First player to 10 points wins.
If you shoot the other player, they will be knocked back, and sometimes lose a point.
Final Duck (.zip)
This zip includes Atari 2600 .a26 ROM file and .wiz source code.
The ROM is for an Atari 2600. For the best experience, download the ROM onto a flash cartridge such as the Harmony Cartridge, and play on your Atari 2600 VCS console. Altenatively, use the Stella emulator.
About Web Player
This web player uses a modified version of the Javatari.js source code for 2600 emulation. Modified source code can be found here.